Tuesday 19 January 2010

Attention in 2010 and beyond

Are you aware of the major trends happening in 2010? 

Change, Innovation, and Participation are critical elements that do require your attention. Why? 

It's extraordinary where we as a global internet community have come since the .dotcom bubble bust days of the early 90's. Online Social Media is challenging the very design, operation and structure of our global societies, it's worth Billions too, so I think that we all really need to pay attention to the trends that are happing in 2010 and beyond.

Innovation and the integration of humans with online mobile technologies (the cyborg), are going to change the size and shape of societies, they will change the way we work, live, play and develop culturally. I see so many opportunities for skilled Internet Professionals to either have a brilliant idea that changes humanities landscape, or to drop in under the umbrella of a monumental and creative viral product/application/need/website that alters the way our global community lives and breathes.

Some inspiration to motivate you:
  • Although written in 2006, some great insights into media and money, the longtail, and the next generation that are already here. ~ The ultimate marketing machine
It goes on and on! Are you paying attention now? The greenies of our time need to jump on the bandwagon, we can make not only the virtual realm more green by understanding cyberspace and technologies, but we can green the Earth much more effectively by co-operating and implementing sustainable technologies with sustainable communities. The net result is a habitat of life, an eco-system of diversity that grows and nurtures living beings, creatures great and small.

Have you seen "The Green Beautiful"? We can make a stand and say no to the injustices against life on the planet and live in balance with nature, rather than trying to dominate and steal from nature.

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